Market Access for NAMA Productsin WTO Negotiations


Market Access for NAMA Products in WTO Negotiations (Phase I & II)

1 Applied Basic Import Duty Tariff Rates at 8-digit based on HS-2002 Classification 2

Applied Basic Import Duty Tariff Rates at 8-digit based on HS-2002 Classification of Non-agriculture items (Tentative)


Bound Lines (HS-92 Classification) at 6-digit

4 Bound Lines (HS-96 Classification) at 6-digit
5 Changes in Applied Average and Peak Tariffs ,1990-91 to 2003-04 6 Comparison of units of Indian Textile items as per their bound rates in ECUS Treaty and DGCIS import statistics
7 Concordance between 1996 and 2002 is worked out in RIS, on the Basis of Information provided by (1) World Custom Classification 8 Distribution of tariffs applied on imports for the year 2004-05 at 6-digit HS-2002
9 Export to Australia India's Commodities Facing Peak Tariff (2003) 10 Export to Canada India's Commodities Facing Peak Tariff (2003
11 Export to EEC India's Commodities Facing Peak Tariff (2003) 12 Export to JAPAN India's Commodities Facing Peak Tariff (2003)
13 Export to USA India's Commodities Facing Peak Tariff (2003) 14 Final List of Non-Agriculture Sensitive Items based on Trade Statistics 2004-05 and Tariff rates of 2005-06.
15 Frequency distribution of India's bound and unbound non-agriculture items 16 Identification of Possible Items Sensitive to Indian Imports at 6- Digit HS Level Riswto-Nama Job8Preliminary
17 Identification of Possible Items Sensitive to Indian Imports...Riswto-Nama Job 3 Revision1 18 Impact of “Blend Formula-Preliminary
19 India 6-digit HS-1996 Profile of Non-Agriculture items along with their Applied tariff for the year 2000-01 and Final Bound 20 India Final Bound rates, Applied rates for the year 2001, sensitivity analysis as per broad sector HS-1996 6 Digit classification
21 India Identification of HS Codes for the products identified as sensitive in Kelkar Committee Report 22 India's Export Facing Peak Tariffs

India’s Proposed Bound Rates as per “Swiss Formula”

24 Job11_2004-05
25 List of all jobs Submitted to Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India under Under NAMA 26 List of all products at 8-digit HS-2002 classification with their Final Bound Rates (Tentative), Applied rates for the year 2003-2004 and 200
27 List of Non-agriculture items based on 6-digit HS 1996 Classification 28 Number of total lines and sensitive lines as per Indian Non-Agriculture Broad Sectors at 6-digit HS 1996 Classifications
29 Profile of applied rates (2001-02) post USEC negotiations of textile products (HS Chapter 50-63) at 6-digit HS-1996 (no. of lines 30 Profile of Bound duties for textile products falling under HS Chapter 50-63 at 8-digit HS-1996.
31 Range and frequency distribution of India's proposed bindings as per swiss formula 32 Revised Ngma Chairman Draft (Ngma-CD) Proposal on 11-8-2003
33 Riswto-NamaJob4 34 The post Cancun Issues and implications for Indian Industrial Tariffs
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