World Trade WT/BOP/R/11
23 January 1996
Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions
1. The WTO
and the GATT 1947 Committees on Balance-of-payments Restrictions consulted
jointly with India on 6 and 8 December 1995.
The consultation was held under the Chairmanship of Mr. P. Witt
(Germany), in accordance with the Committees' terms of reference, pursuant to
Article XVIII:B, paragraph 12 (a) of GATT 1994 and the Understanding on the
Balance-of-Payments Provisions of GATT 1994.
The International Monetary Fund was invited to participate in the
consultation in accordance with Article XV:2 of GATT 1994.
2. The
Committees had the following documents before them:
WT/BOP/9 Basic document supplied by India
WT/BOP/W/11Background paper by the
IMF Recent
Economic Developments, India, dated 22 June 1995.
Opening statement by the Representative of India
3. The
opening statement of the representative of India is attached as Annex I.
Statement by the Representative of the International Monetary Fund
4. The
statement made by the representative of the International Monetary Fund is
attached as Annex II.
(i) Balance-of-payments
position and prospects; alternative measures to restore equilibrium
5. Members
commended India for the in-depth economic reforms carried out since 1991 which
entailed, in recent years, outstanding macroeconomic turnround, curbing of
inflation, strengthening of the external accounts and improvement of the
investment climate. The continuation of
these reforms was essential to the stability of the Indian economy and to
further improvement of the external position over the medium to long term. Supporting the Indian Government's
perseverance in relying on market conditions and deregulation, Members
encouraged India to continue the on-going trade liberalization which, together
with the implementation of its Uruguay Round commitments would bolster India's
integration to global trading system.
6. Many
Members remarked that while India's external position appeared to be stable, the overall balance of
payments remained structurally weak. In
the first half of the present fiscal year, beginning April 1995, the current
account deficit had widened as a result of rapid growth of imports and decline
of exports. Strong domestic demand and
the impact of trade liberalization, including the reduction and rationalization
of tariffs and cuts in the number of products subject to import licensing, had
continued to encourage import growth.
The impressive macroeconomic performance of recent years, together with
the improved fiscal policy and institutional reforms achieved, had a positive
impact on the capital account; foreign
capital inflows of which portfolio investment constituted a high proportion was
the main source of the positive balance in this account in 1994/95 Fiscal
Year. In addition, several members noted
that such flows had proven to be volatile and reversible as a result of adverse
developments in financial flows to emerging markets in the past year.
7. Noting
that a widening trade deficit during 1995/96 had a negative impact on the
stability of India's reserves, these Members shared the view expressed by the
Indian delegation that an assessment solely of the level of reserves in terms
of months of imports of goods and services was inadequate in view of
uncertainties created by financial liberalization and the new conditions in
capital markets; reserves should also be
assessed in the light of their composition.
They thus considered that India was justified in adopting a cautious
pace in trade liberalization. Structural
reforms should be completed in a manner that was socially and politically
sustainable in an economy of the size of India, with a large population and
wide income disparities. They supported
the Indian position that the import growth had to be kept within prudent limits
in view of the uncertain effects of domestic liberalization and external
financial fluctuations on the balance of payments. India should be allowed to pursue its
liberalization and structural reform policies at a pace suited to the country's
conditions. The timing and sequence of
the phase-out of quantitative restrictions, and the coverage of the negative
import list should be left to the judgement of the Indian authorities. They therefore considered that India must
continue using GATT Article XVIII:B in completing its agenda of economic
reforms. Premature elimination of the
remaining restrictive measures might reverse India's fragile balance-of-payments
situation and disrupt the momentum of trade liberalization.
8. Many
other Members observed that India's current account deficit had decreased from
3.4 per cent to 0.5 per cent of GDP in the past four years
as a result of the remarkable recovery of exports since 1992. In the present fiscal year, rapid economic
expansion had triggered growth of imports of capital and intermediate goods,
outpacing the robust export performance and resulting in a wider trade deficit,
forecasted to increase to 1.5 per cent of GDP in 1995/96. The growth of imports of capital and
intermendiate goods should, in turn, generate expansion of India's export
capacity. They noted that India had
attracted significant inflows of foreign capital as a result of financial
reform and high interest rates; thus,
the current account deficit was offset by large inflows of foreign direct and
portfolio investment, leading to a substantial increase of India's foreign
exchange reserves to around 6 months of imports of goods and services,
compared to one month in 1991. The
recent fall in capital inflows, rather than the widening of the current account
deficit, contributed to the projected deterioration in the overall balance of
payments for 1995/96. The stability of
the overall balance of payments in the past two years showed that India's
current level of reserves was comfortable and sustainable.
9. Members
noted that fiscal imbalances at the Central Government and States' level
continued to put pressure on monetary policy and that inflation had not been
fully checked. They considered that more
prudent macroeconomic policies were the basis of a sound balance of payments.
10. Many other
Members stated that, currently, the public sector deficit was the major source
of instability in the Indian economy.
The deterioration of the Central Government's budget in recent years had
fuelled inflationary pressures across the economy, leading to higher interest
rates which had crowded out private investment.
Trade and financial liberalization had been fundamental to the
remarkable growth of the economy and were essential to the stability of the
balance of payments. Progress in
financial reforms would also help to maintain momentum in foreign direct
investment flows and international confidence in India's economy, while
additional comprehensive structural reforms would remove the bottlenecks that
limited the Indian economy's growth potential.
11. In reply
to a Member, the representative of the IMF stated that India's
balance-of-payments prospects looked sound in the medium-term. Nevertheless, curbing of the fiscal deficit
and an appropriate pace of adjustment were crucial to prudent macroeconomic management. While the Indian economy could face some
uncertainty in the coming six months, a
period of two years gave time in which India could elaborate a time-table for
relaxing import controls.
12. Many
Members considered that the medium-term prospects for India's
balance-of-payments situation appeared
sound and the reserve position could be
kept at comfortable levels, provided adequate macroeconomic policies
were continued. India currently faced no threat of a serious decline in its
reserves in terms of Article XVIII:B, nor a critical balance-of-payments
position in terms of the Understanding;
therefore there were no balance-of-payments grounds for continuing
import restrictions. They emphasized
that Article XVIII:B provisions were
designed to allow Members to use temporary measures in case of specific
balance-of-payments problems.
India's current balance-of payments
situation was sustainable and no longer warranted the continued justification
of the measures under Article XVIII:B.
13. In
response, the representative of India stated that there had been growing
pressure on the overall balance-of-payments in recent months, arising from both
the current and capital accounts. The
situation had become more fragile since the simplified consultations in
November 1994, notwithstanding the relative growth of India's international
reserves in terms of months of imports.
Import growth, 32 per cent in dollar terms, in the first half of
the 1995/96 fiscal year had been higher than export growth of
25 per cent. There had been a
significant widening of the current account deficit over the past year to
US$5 billion; foreign currency
reserves had dropped by almost US$ 4 billion in the first eight months of
the current fiscal year. The increase in
the capital account balance during 1993/94, which had reflected a surge in
foreign capital inflows, had been reversed with a decline in portfolio
investment. Debt service had reached
US$12.5 billion in the present year, creating additional pressure on the
capital account.
14. India had
undergone a massive liberalization of its trade and payments régimes and had
reformed its internal market. He
believed that, because of its size and complexity, India's need for reserves
should be greater than the standard of three to four months of imports. The medium-term sustainability of the balance
of payments was linked to prudent conduct of trade policy and adoption of an appropriate
pace in dismantling existing quantitative restrictions. The trade balance being its key element, the
current account could be manageable to the extent that the present import
régime was maintained.
15. The
representative of India stated that, since the last full consultations in 1992,
there had been greater reliance on alternative instruments. The exchange system had been unified in March
1993 and full convertibility had been achieved in August 1994. There was still room for improvement in the
overall fiscal position because of possible slippage on the expenditure side or
in revenue performance. Rather than
halting the steady trend of trade liberalization by new import restrictions,
India had used the instruments of exchange rate adjustment and tightening of monetary
policy to manage balance-of-payments pressures in the past year.
16. The
representative of India indicated that the 1995/96 Export and Import Policy
included further simplification of import and export procedures and pruning of
products subject to import restrictions.
India could continue on the path of trade liberalization consistently
and steadily provided it proceeded cautiously and pragmatically. Demand for imported consumer goods had grown
steadily in the present fiscal year and if current import restrictions were
removed, could soar to levels that would make the external account
unsustainable. India would thus have to
continue matching the expansion of imports with export growth before further
relaxing import controls; the level of
imports and the trade balance should be carefully monitored, to avoid the
creation of serious distortions and imbalance in India's ability to handle its
external obligations.
(ii) System, methods and
effects of import restrictions
17. Many
Members expressed concerns about the consistency of the system and methods of
India's restrictive measures with the balance-of-payments provisions of GATT
1994. They noted that India had
provided no justification why price-based measures were not adequate to
alleviate balance‑of‑payments difficulties in terms of paragraph 3
of the Understanding. Furthermore,
restrictive measures should be applied across the board, to control the general
level of imports in terms of paragraph 4 of the Understanding. They had concerns as regards the sectoral
scope of the measures in place, particularly the selective application of
restrictions to consumer products. Taking
note of the statement of the representative of the IMF that the transition to a tariff-based import
régime with no quantitative restrictions could reasonably be accomplished
within a period of two years they requested
India to provide a time-schedule for the progressive relaxation and removal
of remaining restrictions maintained for
balance-of-payments reasons as required by paragraph 1 of the
Understanding. They also requested
India to provide a consolidated notification of the restrictions maintained at
the HS 8-digit level, as provided in paragraph 9 of the Understanding. To allow a proper assessment of the scope of
the restrictions, it would be essential to separate the specific items in the
Negative List subject to balance‑of‑payments restrictions from
those restricted for other purposes.
18. With
regard to the effect of the measures, many Members stated that India's trade
restriction justified for balance-of-payments reasons virtually banned the
imports of around two thousand HS lines of consumer good items. The protection of the relevant domestic industries from
international competition could damage the interests of both the Indian
consumers and the trading partners.
Given India's sound balance-of-payments position, increase of imports as
a result of lifting restrictions on consumer goods should cause no
19. One Member
noted that India's balance-of-payments restrictions should be seen in a
perspective of thirty years. As part of
its progressive trade liberalization, such restrictions were being applied to a
number of consumer goods.
20. Several
Members maintained that the administration of licensing was complex and lacked
predictability and transparency. Import
licences amounted to virtual bans;
licences were subject to the discretion of the authorities. Referring to the requirement in paragraph 4
of the Understanding "to use discretionary licensing only when unavoidable
" and to provide appropriate justification "as to the criteria used
to determine allowable import quantities and values", these Members asked
India to provide a notification explaining the administration of specific
restrictions and the criteria for
granting import licences.
21. The
representative of India stated that India had not chosen the products subject
to import restrictions arbitrarily.
Imports of capital goods were being progressively liberalized in order to stimulate the growth in the
economy. Given India's
balance-of-payments problems, abrupt liberalization of consumer goods could run
counter to the trade interests of India's trading partners. Various macroeconomic elements would not at
present allow India to announce a time-table for the phasing out of
quantitative restrictions. He also
stated that the entire Import and Export Policy had been recently aligned in
terms of HS lines. Price-based measures
to control the level of imports of consumer goods would be inappropriate at the
present stage because of the strong demand for imports. The quantitative
restrictions maintained on balance-of-payments grounds over thirty years had
been justified in the Committee under
Article XVIII:B.
22. The
representative of India further stated that the balance of payments appeared
comfortable at present on account of certain
restrictions being maintained.
Liberalization would have strong multiplier effect on imports
given the strong import demand. The
Government had the responsibility to
ensure that available foreign exchange
resources were allocated for the priority needs of the country. More than 50 per cent of India's imports were
of key products, including petroleum and
petroleum products, non-ferrous metals and fertilizers, essential to
agricultural or industrial production.
India had made substantial strides towards liberalization of its import
régime in the past four years. However,
the viability of the external account could not be made dependent on special
facilities from external sources. India
would have the ability to earn the required foreign exchange for imports of
consumer goods to the extent of its
sound management of its trade and current accounts. At the current level of export earnings,
India could not afford to open up imports of consumer goods. The authorities would consider the elimination
of the current restrictions as soon as, in their judgement, the overall
economic, political and social situation was viable.
23. The
Committees commended India for the wide-scale economic reforms and
comprehensive stabilization programme over the past four years, which had
resulted in robust economic recovery.
The reforms, which included a considerable measure of trade and
financial liberalization, exchange rate unification and a move to current
account convertibility, had contributed to a large increase in the share of
trade in India's GDP.
24. The
Committees noted that, since 1992, rapid export growth and capital inflows had
been the source of the turnaround in India's external sector and the steady increase
in the level of foreign exchange reserves.
However, they took note that, in recent months, there had been a
deterioration in the trade balance, investment inflows had slowed and the
foreign exchange reserves had declined.
In addition, the fiscal deficit and the level of indebtedness remained
25. The
Committees recalled India's stated aim to move, by 1996-97, to a trade régime
under which quantitative restrictions are retained only for environmental,
social, health and safety reasons, provided sustained improvement was shown in
its balance of payments. They
also took note of the statement by the IMF that, with continued prudent
macro-economic management, the
transition to a tariff-based import régime with no quantitative restrictions
could reasonably be accomplished within a period of two years. The Committees noted that, since the last
full consultation, there had been considerable liberalization of India's import
régime, including a gradual increase in the number of consumer items which were
freely importable; yet almost one-third of tariff lines at 8 digit level under
the HS Classification remained subject to quantitative restrictions.
26. The
Committees noted the view expressed by
India that, in the context of a deteriorating balance-of-payments situation, it
would be neither prudent nor feasible to consider the general lifting of
quantitative restrictions on imports at this stage. Many Members supported India's continued use
of import restrictions under Article XVIII:B for balance-of-payments reasons in
view of the uncertainty and fragility they perceived in India's
balance-of-payments position, and they felt that liberalization and structural
reform policies should continue at a pace and sequence suited to Indian
conditions. Many other Members stated
that India's balance-of-payments position was comfortable, that India did not
currently face the threat of a serious decline in foreign exchange reserves as
set out in Article XVIII, paragraph 9, and that therefore India was not
justified in its continued recourse to import restrictions for
balance-of-payments reasons. Many Members stated that the continued use of
quantitative restrictions was inconsistent with paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9 of
the Understanding and asked India to present a firm time-table for the phasing
out of the restrictions, and further information required, before the
resumption of the consultations. Others,
in the light of the ongoing liberalization, did not share these views.
27. In the
light of all the above considerations, the Committees welcomed India's
readiness to resume the consultations in October 1996, and to notify to the WTO
all remaining restrictions maintained for balance-of-payments purposes soon
after the announcement of the 1996/97 Export-Import Policy.
by the Representative of India
Mr. Chairman,
distinguished Members of the Committee, distinguished representative of the
IMF, and friends from the Secretariat.
I am happy to be here
for this important meeting of the Committee on Balance of Payments Restrictions
to make this Opening Statement on behalf of the Government of India. The basic document provided by India for the
1995 consultations under Article XVIII:B of GATT 1994 is before the
Committee. The country note prepared by
the IMF and the background paper of the Secretariat give details of the general
trend of economic and trade developments from the time we held our
simplified consultations last November. The IMF and the Secretariat deserve to be
complimented for their detailed and professional documents. These documents clearly bring out the various
liberalization measures undertaken by India since July 1991 in general, and
since the time of the last consultations in particular. These documents also bear ample testimony to
the Government of India's demonstrated commitment to economic liberalization.
Four years ago, the
Indian economy was in the midst of serious crisis with stagnant production, high
inflation, declining exports and a severe balance of payments problem. To deal with this difficult situation and to
lay the basis for sustained growth of output and employment, Government
initiated wide ranging economic reforms in industrial, fiscal, financial,
trade, exchange rate and foreign investment policies. The Government's programme of stabilization
and reform was both comprehensive in scope and carefully sequenced. As details of the reform measure are well
known, I will not take this Committee's time in describing them.
The results of the
reform programme over the past four years has been very heartening. Overall economic growth of real GDP has
increased from less than 1 per cent in 1991-92 to over 6 per cent in
1994-95 and expected to record a similar order of growth in the current
year. Industrial production, which was
virtually stagnant in 1991-92, increased by 6 per cent in 1993-94 and a
further 8.2 per cent in 1994-95 and is growing at over 11 per
cent in the first four months of 1995-96.
Food grains production had declined in 1991-92, whereas in 1994-95,
production attained a new record of 192 million tonnes. The annual rate of inflation which had touched
nearly 17 per cent in 1991, is now down to around 8 per cent.
The turnaround in the
external sector has been equally heartening.
Exports, which had declined in dollar terms in 1991-92, grew by
20 per cent in 1993-94 and a further 18 per cent in 1994-95. However, during 1994-95, imports also
increased by 21.5 per cent leading to a doubling of the trade deficit
relative to the previous year. During
the first seven months of the current fiscal year (April-October 1995) while
exports have grown by 24.5 per cent, imports have risen by nearly
31 per cent, leading to sharp increase in the trade deficit. Since the start of the reforms, the share of
foreign trade in GDP has risen from 14 per cent to 19 per cent
in 1994-95 and is expected to rise to 21 per cent in the current year. This testifies to the substantial increase in
the openness of our economy. The current
account deficit on the balance of payments shrank from over 3 per cent of
GDP in 1990-91 to barely 0.1 per cent of GDP in 1993-94, before
rising again to 0.7 per cent of GDP in 1994-95. The current account deficit is expected to be
in the order of 1.5 per cent of the GDP during 1995-96.
During 1995-96, apart
from doubling of the visible trade deficit, on the capital account, debt
service payments are expected to rise further in 1995-96 to over
US$12 billion. At the same time,
the strong surge in foreign portfolio investments, witnessed during much of
1993 and 1994, has slackened during 1995 in the wake of the crisis witnessed in
some other emerging markets. Because of
these and other factors, there has been a significant draw down of foreign
currency reserves from a level of 20.8 billion dollars at the beginning of
this financial year to about 17.2 billion dollars at the end of November
1995. In the period since August, pressures
on the balance of payments have also been reflected in a significant, nominal
depreciation of the Rupee in relation to the US dollar following a period of
more than 2 years of stability.
Notwithstanding some
renewed pressure on the balance of payments, the Government has refrained from
any tightening of the import régime
Instead, the authorities have relied on the market-determined exchange
rate and monetary restraint to manage the balance of payments.
In this context of
widening trade and current account deficits, deceleration in flows of portfolio
investment, rising debt service, falling reserves and heightened volatility of
capital flows and foreign exchange markets, it would, in our view, be neither
prudent nor feasible to consider the general lifting of quantitative
restrictions on imports at this stage.
As sustainable
improvement is recorded in the balance of payments, Government's endeavour will
be to move towards a trade régime under which quantitative restrictions are
retained only for environmental, social , health and safety reasons. The sequencing of the necessary policy
changes should, in our view, be left to the judgement of the Government of the
country concerned. For a country like
India with a large population base and wide disparities in income, growth and
development which characterize our economy, premature and abrupt changes in the
import policy in the area of consumer goods can have a disruptive impact on the
balance of payments situation.
Furthermore, the availability of adequate and efficient infrastructure
in terms of ports, airports, highways etc. is also an important pre-requisite
for supporting growing volumes of international trade. Hence the need for careful calibration of
trade policy changes can not be overlooked.
In the sphere of trade
policy, Government's objective is to put in place a régime under which the
domestic production base can be strengthened and expanded both to cater to
domestic demand and to global export opportunities. It has been recognized that if Indian
producers of goods and services whether in the primary, secondary or tertiary
sectors are not allowed easy access to the best production inputs and
technology, they will not be able to optimally upgrade their production
capacity and compete effectively in the international market. At the same time, Government also recognizes
the usefulness of gradually expanding access to imported consumer goods so as
to improve the availability of essential items of mass consumption and to
create a more competitive environment which will provide greater choice and
better value for money to Indian consumers.
The limitations of an inward-oriented and import substituting trade
régime are now fairly well acknowledged.
Such a trade régime not only hampers the efficiency of resource use and
consequential growth but is also unsuccessful in ensuring a viable balance of payments. An important objective of Government's policy
therefore is to move the trade policy régime towards openness and to reap the
full benefits of the expansion of international trade.
For fulfilling the
above objectives, the Government has implemented a series of trade policy
changes since June 1991 with a view to the constructive integration of the
Indian economy with the rest of the world.
We have now been able to put in place a market determined unified
exchange rate régime and convertibility of the rupee first on the trade account
in April 1993 and on the current account in April 1994. The most significant aspect of these policy
changes is that they have been implemented in a gradual and sequential manner
to ensure that there is no disruptive impact on the economy and the changeover
is smooth. It was possible to achieve
this because the Government was able to choose the sequence and timing of the
changes based on its perceptions of the economy's needs as well as its ability
to build a democratic consensus.
Together with the
above-mentioned macro level trade policy reforms, Government's objective has
also been to: (a) impart stability,
predictability and transparency in the trade régime, (b) reduce or eliminate
discretionary controls, (c) prune the negative list of imports and move
steadily towards a régime of replacing licensing controls by fiscal controls
and (d) gradual reduction in both the level and dispersion of tariffs.
In pursuance of these
objectives, Government had announced a 5 year import-export policy for the
period 1992-97 so that a stable régime of policies is available to the industry
and trade to enable them to plan their economic activities in a longer
For imparting
transparency, a number of changes have been introduced in the policy. The most significant step has been the recent
listing, in October 1995, of the import policy treatment of various items on
tariff line basis in accordance with the HSN Classification. Linking of the import control classification
with the HSN Custom Tariff Classification will reduce ambiguities and provide a
transparent framework to exporters and importers. Steps have also been taken to introduce
automaticity in the issue of licences, progressive removal of actual user
conditions and increasing the tradability of licences. These measures will help in further easing
tax restrictions and in imparting greater import competition. During the year 1994-95, there has been
significant increase in the number of items which are freely importable. In addition, a large number of consumer items
covering 1,487 tariff lines whose import is otherwise restricted, are now
allowed to be imported under freely tradable Special Import Licences.
Out of 11,587 tariff
lines at the 8 digit level under the HS Classification, 6,463 lines are in the
freely importable list while 1,487 lines are in the freely tradeable Special
Import Licence list. Today virtually all
items of capital goods, raw materials, intermediaries, components, consumable,
spare parts, accessories, instruments and other goods are freely
importable. As already mentioned, the
import of consumer items has also been eased in a gradual manner and it is
Government intention to steadily carry this process forward.
Along with the easing
of quantitative restrictions, simultaneous measures for reducing tariffs have
also been taken. Members of the
Committee may be aware that prior to the Uruguay Round, only
3 per cent of India's tariff lines were GATT bound. This figure in the post-Uruguay Round period
has gone up to 62 per cent. The
peak rate of tariff has been progressively reduced from 400 to 50 per
cent. The average incidence of import
duties has been brought down from 60.26 per cent in 1987-88 to
27 per cent in 1994-95.
Before concluding, Mr.
Chairman, I would like to recall that this Committee has in the past encouraged
India to continue with its policy of economic reforms. The Committee had also expressed its hope
that with the completion of the Uruguay Round, India's exports in general would
gain greater market access, particularly for products in which we enjoy a
comparative advantage. In this context,
it needs to be reiterated that continued and improved market access in the
markets of our major trading partners will be an important factor in our
on-going effort at economic liberalization in general and trade liberalization
in particular.
Finally, Mr. Chairman,
we do hope that the Committee will appreciate the substantial trade
liberalization measures already implemented by India since the last full
consultations in March 1992. We also
hope that the Committee will signal its support and understanding for India's
desire to proceed on the trade liberalization course in an autonomous and
sustainable manner, keeping in view the many complexities involved in managing
a continental size developing economy like ours.
by the IMF Representative
India has made
substantial progress over the past four years towards reforming its economy,
and the benefits are being seen in the form of a robust economic expansion, the
containment of inflation, and a strengthened external position. Moreover, major strides have been made toward
transforming the Indian economy from an inward-looking, heavily regulated
economy to an increasingly dynamic, outward-oriented one. Nonetheless, the public sector deficit
remains too high and much remains to be accomplished in the area of structural
reform if India is to reach its full growth potential.
The economic recovery
is now firmly established, with real GDP expected to increase 5 1/2-6 percent
in 1995/96 (the fiscal year runs April 1 through March 31). The strength of the economic expansion stems
from strong export and investment growth driven by a robust supply response to
the Government's reform program, in particular the sweeping away of the
investment and import licensing regimes.
Agricultural production has benefitted from a string of good monsoons,
and food stocks have risen to record levels.
While inflation was
reduced to around 7 percent in 1993/94, inflationary pressures re-emerged in
1994/95 as a result of a loosening of monetary conditions related to the
build-up in international reserves.
Monetary policy has been tightened considerably over the past year,
however, and this has been followed by a reduction of inflation to about 9
percent. For a period in early 1995/96,
this progress was threatened by a surge in central bank lending to the
Government to well in excess of the agreed limit on such financing. However, more recently this lending has been
reined in as interest rates on government securities have been raised, allowing
an increase in the Government's market borrowing. A tight grip will need to be retained on
monetary policy in order to avoid a resurgence of inflationary pressures.
India's fiscal
situation remains a major concern. While
the initial stabilization response to the 1990/91 crisis involved measures to
curtail expenditures, progress toward deficit reduction in recent years has
been slow. Although the deficit of the
central government was lowered to
6.7 percent of GDP in 1994/95, the states' deficit has been rising, and
the overall consolidated deficit remained around 10 1/2 percent of GDP in
1994/95. Part of the explanation for the
slow progress is that some reforms--such as cutting import tariffs and moving
toward market-related interest rates--have had fiscal costs. Nonetheless, the high deficit puts a heavy
burden on monetary policy in curbing inflation, raises interest rates, and
crowds out private investment.
For 1995/96, the
authorities are aiming to bring down the central government's fiscal deficit
further to 5 1/2 percent of GDP, relying mainly on buoyant revenue growth and
controlling budgetary transfers to the states.
So far, tax revenues have risen faster than budgeted, so that the
overall fiscal performance has been broadly on track despite some expenditure
overruns. However, new social spending
initiatives and a public sector wage increase that have already been announced,
other pre-election spending pressures, and a shortfall in divestment proceeds
will make it difficult to stick to the deficit target. Firm management will be required to ensure
budgetary objectives are achieved.
Looking beyond the
present year, sustained fiscal consolidation requires fundamental reforms of
government. This will need to involve
determined efforts at all levels, in particularly the states. An overhaul of public expenditure management
would help to improve efficiency and cut costs, while meeting more effectively
critical needs in areas such as health, education and infrastructure. Inevitably, a substantial part of the
adjustment will need to be accomplished through higher revenues. To this end, efforts must continue to broaden
the tax base, overhaul the system of sales taxes, and improve tax
India's external
position has recovered from the crisis of 1990/91. Foreign exchange reserves were around $19
billion at end-September 1995, around six and a half months of imports. Factors behind the buildup in reserves were a
surge in private capital inflows following the liberalization of restrictions
on inward foreign investment and the resumption of rapid export growth. While the scale of portfolio inflows has
subsided since late 1994, consistent with a general reappraisal of emerging
markets by investors in the wake of the Mexico crisis, it is encouraging that
foreign direct investment has continued to increase.
On the trade front,
export performance has been quite strong across the board for the last three
years, spurred by the sustained real exchange rate depreciation since
1991. Since 1994/95, imports have also
begun to grow rapidly, and the current account deficit is expected to widen to
1 1/2 percent of GDP this year compared with 1/2 percent in
1994/95. The fast growth of imports is
in large part due to heavy imports of capital goods and intermediate inputs
spurred by the industrial recovery as well as a progressive reduction in
import duty rates. Specifically, the
average (import-weighted) tariff rate was lowered from 87 percent in 1990/91 to
27 percent in 1994/95, while the maximum tariff rate has been brought down from
400 percent to 50 percent.
For about two years
since the unification of the exchange rate in March 1993, the rupee's value
remained stable vis-à-vis the U.S. dollar, as upward pressure on the exchange
rate was neutralized by central bank reserve accumulation. During 1995, by contrast, with the slowing of
capital inflows and a widening of the current account deficit, there have been
downward pressures on the value of the rupee.
The rupee has declined by about 11 percent against the U.S. dollar since
July, implying a depreciation of about 4 percent in real effective terms.
India has made
substantial progress toward the elimination of exchange restrictions on current
international transactions in recent years, notably liberalizing the treatment
of most invisibles transactions. In
August 1994, India accepted the obligations under the Fund's Article VIII. Nevertheless, a number of restrictions still
remain in place, in particular related to the treatment of nonresident
deposits, income transfers by non-resident Indians, the Indo-Russian debt
agreement, bilateral payments agreements, and the transfer abroad of dividends
by foreign investors in the consumer goods industries.
With continued prudent
macroeconomic management, India's medium-term balance of payments prospects
look sound. Both imports and exports
should continue to grow rapidly as India becomes increasingly integrated into
the global economy. In view of the heavy
investment needs, the current account deficit is expected to widen further to
the range of 2-3 percent of GDP, but such a path should be sustainable in view
of the improved prospects for private capital inflows, including direct
investment. The debt-service ratio would
be lowered from 27 percent in 1994/95 to under 20 percent by the end of the
decade, while international reserves would be maintained at comfortable levels.
Notwithstanding the
recent achievements, realizing India's longer term growth potential still
requires a second round of structural reforms to remove persistent obstacles
that constrain the growth response. Main
areas for attention include reform of the public enterprises, establishing an
effective framework for private involvement in infrastructural development,
agricultural reform, and liberalization of land and labor laws.
On the external front,
the process of trade liberalization needs to be completed. Tariff levels are still high and need to be
brought down further. Even more
important, the quantitative restrictions on imports of consumer goods need to
be eliminated, and replaced by tariffs at moderate levels. Excessive protection has hindered the
development of this important sector of the economy. Some phasing of this process may be
appropriate in view of recent exchange market pressures, the potential
volatility of private capital inflows, and the need to provide adequate time
for adjustment of certain domestic industries.
Nevertheless, the transition to a tariff-based import regime with no
quantitative restrictions could reasonably be accomplished within a period of
two years.
There should also be
scope for continued capital account liberalization. Here the progress will need to be in tandem
with success in strengthening India's domestic financial markets and continuing
progress toward a low-inflation macroeconomic environment. Finally, the remaining exchange restrictions
on current international transactions should be eliminated as soon as possible.
In conclusion, while
India's recent economic development has been encouraging, the reform and
adjustment efforts need to be sustained.
Achieving the sustained high rate of growth necessary for more rapid progress
in poverty alleviation will require continued fiscal consolidation and further
bold reform initiatives. These will be
the major economic challenges for India in the post-election period.