World Trade                                       G/ADP/N/1/IND/2/Corr.1*


Organization                                              9 January 1996




                                                                                                        Original:  English

Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices

Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures





                                   NOTIFICATION OF LAWS AND REGULATIONS

                           UNDER ARTICLES 18.5 AND 32.6 OF THE AGREEMENTS







            The following corrections should be made to document G/ADP/N/1/IND/2-G/SCM/N/1/IND/2:


Page 3             -           in (a) (iv) 'A' should be small 'a'.


Page 15-the word 'produce' should be corrected as 'product' in the second line of (d) of the Serial No. 14.  Termination of investigation.


Page 19-to replace the word 'on' by the word 'or' i.e. after rule 13 in the Serial number 19.


-to insert a comma after the word 'and collected' in the third line of sub-paragraph (1) of the Serial No. 21.


Page 20-to insert a comma after the word 'such duty' in the third line of sub-paragraph (1) of Serial No. 23 Review.


Page 23-to replace the word 'severn' by the word 'seven' in the eighth line of sub-paragraph (iii) of Annexure II.


-to replace the word 'and' by the word 'an' in the second line after the word include in sub-paragraph (iv) of Annexure II.


-to replace the word 'know' by the word 'known' in the fifth line after 'also examine' and thereafter the word 'insuring' by the word 'injuring' in the sixth  line after the words 'time are' in sub-paragraph (v) of Annexure II.


Page 28-to replace the word 'trace' by the word 'trade' in sub-paragraph (3) (i) of serial number 7.  Principles governing investigations.


Page 31-to replace the word 'par' by the word 'per' in the first line of sub-paragraph (c) (i) of Serial No. (2).


Page 35-to replace the word 'with' by the word 'which' in sub-paragraph (ii) of paragraph (2) of Serial No. 19 Final Findings.

     * English only.